дизайн кафе-кондитерской «Забыли Сахар» @zabylisahar
вошел в шорт-лист из 9 номинантов как лучший дизайн кафе
по версии 10й юбилейной престижной британской премии @RestaurantAndBardesignAwards.
На конкурс были подано около 1000 проектов из 70 стран.
В честь такого события не могу не поделиться призом, который на днях получил из Лондона.
Фото Елена Орлова
Dear Friends,
I am happy to announce that my design-project of the café-patisserie
"Zabyli Sahar" in St.Petersburg, Russia, @zabylisahar has entered a short-list among other 8 nominees as the best café designs -2018 according to a very prestigious British award @RestaurantAndBardesignAwards.
This year 2018 the competition, in its 10th-anniversary,
has received nearly 1 000 (one thousand) projects from 70 countries.
I am honored to share with you my plague-prize that has been recently received from London as a proof of my being short-listed.
Yours Marat Mazur
Photo by Елена Орлова
#RBDAthegreatbuild #RBDA2018 # #RBDAshortlist #maratmazur #zabylisahar #restaurantandbardesignawards